Children’s Church @ Home – June 7th


Children’s Church @ Home – June 7th

Below are some suggested activities and order of play to do with your children as you do Sunday Church together. Each week there will be activity sheets and also some things to watch or listen to.

You can print the below running order off here:

1. Follow the main service for songs, a Children’s talk and a song with actions.

  • Watch this video of the bible story if your children missed the children’s talk online.

2. During the sermon the children can follow any of the activities below whilst the sermon is on:

Links to PDFs for Splashers and the above worksheets and craft
Splashers | Dippers (Rec-Yr2) | Divers (Yr3-6) | Dippers Craft| Divers Craft | Youth Discussion

3. Children can join for the songs at the end of the service

At the end of the service here are some ideas for you to follow as a family:

A. Ask some simple questions

  • What do we learn about God?
  • What do we learn about ourselves?
  • What do I need to do now I know that about God?

Main Aim: To help the children see that true happiness is found in belonging to the kingdom of heaven. 

B. Pray with your children about what you have discussed

Prop prayers:  

  • Apple – say sorry to God for the wrong things we do all the time.  Admit that, as our natural selves, we are rotten as an apple that is rotten to the core and there is nothing we can do to please God.
  • Heart – destroy a black felt tip heart on a piece of paper and replace with a red heart.  Thank God that he gives us a new heart when we trust in Jesus.  Thank God for his Holy Spirit who helps us want to be and able to be good
  • Mirror – pray that as people belonging to God we might be able to reflect something of God’s goodness to the world.  

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