Church Reopening 21/06/2020

Church Reopening 21/06/2020

We are delighted that following a relaxation in lock down regulations we will be able to begin meeting again in a limited capacity at Jersey Baptist Church on Vauxhall Street for Sunday services from 21st June 2020.

We will be running two morning services at church as well as continuing Jersey Baptist Church Live. The details of our Sunday provision are: 
9-10 am Family Service
Adults Gathering in the Main Church Building (max 40 ppl)Children Gathering for Children’s Church in the Church Hall
(max 40 ppl).
(Children’s Church can be accessed live via zoom for those who choose to stay at home.) 

10:30-11:30 am
Modern Adult Service
Adults Gathering in Main Church Building (max 40 ppl)No Children’s Provision in this Service 

Jersey Baptist Church Live
The 10:30 Modern Adult Service will be livestreamed and is available on Facebook and at 

While our gathering will be different to usual as there will be no live singing for the time being, there will be time for prayer, interviews, inspiring videos, reflective songs which will be played from pre-recorded videos, and  a talk from the Bible. At the end of our Modern Adult Service there will be a time for Q & A and a bit more time to catch up with one another.

The maximum number of people permitted to meet for each gathering is 40, however as the children will be meeting in the church hall as a separate gathering, the maximum we can accommodate for the 9:00 am service, including children, is 80. 

To enable us to monitor numbers we should be grateful if you would indicate your intention to attend either service by using the sign up facility.

Only one person per household to sign up their whole group please.

For those who are unable or do not yet feel comfortable coming back to church, please note that we will be continuing to livestream the 10:30am service online. 

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