The Jersey Baptist Church Apprentice Programme is open and receiving applications.


We offer the opportunity to serve in an active, vibrant church in a wide range of areas including, youth work, children’s work, evangelism, men’s and women’s discipleship ministry, study groups and practical ministry duties.

Formal training through the Jersey Evangelical Training Scheme and in-house training through one-to-one mentoring will help equip you to handle the Bible, grow in your ability to lead others, and grow in godliness.

Full Job Description
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Why choose Jersey Baptist Church as a place to Train and Serve

One-to-One Mentoring

At Jersey Baptist Church we believe one-to-one mentoring is a key part of discipleship and formation in our lives so each week you will be mentored by a member of staff. This time with your mentor will involve reading the Bible together, engaging in collaborative ministry projects, opportunities for in-depth discussion around ministry and lifestyle topics and a chance to chat anything through both personal and professional. At the beginning of the year we will discuss the areas in which the intern would like to grow in character, skills and calling.

Jersey Evangelical Training Scheme (JETS)

Each week Jersey Baptist Church, in co-operation with the Jersey Evangelical Alliance, hosts a two hour training program teaching on practical, theological and ministry topics with a strong emphasis on Bible handling skills. JETS aims to foster in participants a deeper understanding of the Word of God and aims to equip participants to teach the Word faithfully in the context of everyday church ministry. JETS is administered and run by Jersey Baptist Church, but has course contributors and participants from different churches across the island. Currently 6 churches are represented in JETS.

Linked Here is the most up-to-date JETS brochure.

Serving at Jersey Baptist Church

At Jersey Baptist Church, we currently have a robust children’s ministry, a newly established youth ministry for our teenagers which includes a youth music group that meets weekly. We also have opportunities to serve in; women’s and men’s discipleship, our growing music group, a young adults ministry and lots of opportunities for evangelism and teaching from the Bible. We are actively investing in growing our outreach to international people and families, men’s ministry, sports mission, community mission, and Schools ministry. As an intern at Jersey Baptist church, you will have an opportunity to serve across the breadth of our ministries, but will also be able to focus on a ministry and partner with our staff team in initiating and leading new ministry projects.

Linked Here is our vision booklet which give you an insight into the life of Jersey Baptist Church and the different ministries currently in place.

Accommodation and Funds

There is a basic salary and accommodation is also provided.

The Island of Jersey

The population of Jersey is around 100k and there is a strong Portuguese (10%) and Eastern European community around the Church, many of which have a Christian background and are warm to the Christian Faith. The finance industry is also very strong on the island with many graduate schemes attracting many young adults to Jersey. There are also many things happening on the island from sports clubs, to music festivals, to a busy night life in St Helier. Jersey is a beautiful island with many incredibly beautiful beaches and some great surf!

Visit Jersey:

More information

For more information about our one and two year Ministry Apprentice positions, please contact: Rev Drew Waller, Pastor

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