Livestream – May 12th 10:00

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How can we remain confident and faithful to the gospel when facing adversity? How to win friends and influence people! On Sunday we will look at the experiences of the Apostle Paul as he sails for Rome and encounters various storms along the way. Passage: Acts 27:1-28:10. Speaker: Drew Waller. S

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How can we be godly in an ungodly world? As we continue in our series in the book of Acts on Sunday, we will see that God keeps his promises and is completely sovereign, so we should have faith in the promises of the Gospel and also in God’s powerful protection in times of need. Passage: Acts 22:30-23:35. Speaker: Drew Waller.

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Join us on Sunday for our special Rock Star Holiday Club guest service, where we will be given an insight as to what the children have been doing this week at Holiday Club. We will also look at the parable of the two builders and Jesus’ teaching on how to build our lives on solid ground. All are very welcome. Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27. Speaker: Nick Ferraby.

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We warmly welcome you to join us for our Easter Sunday worship when we will celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! Three people will also be baptised during this service. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Speaker: Drew Waller

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You are warmly invited to join us at 10am on Good Friday, when we will enjoy a time of quiet contemplation and prayer with readings from the Gospel of Luke, followed by Communion. We will remember the amazing sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, so that all who put their trust in Him may have eternal life. Passage: Luke 23:26-43. Speakers: Von Atamosa, Drew Waller, Craig Hook.

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You are warmly invited to join us on Sunday for a special guest service, where we will be looking at how important it is for Christians to remain actively connected to Christ. Our union with Him is essential for us to experience the full and fruitful life that He intends for us. Passage: John 15:4-14. Speaker: Drew Waller.

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Join us on Sunday for a special guest service where we will be looking at an account in the Bible where Jesus calls a Tax Collector named Matthew, to follow Him. “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners”, says Jesus. But what does He mean by this? Who is righteous and who is a sinner? Matthew 9:9-13. Speaker: Nick Ferraby.

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