Memorial Service – Clifford Measday – 28th July 12:45pm

We are delighted that following a relaxation in lock down regulations we will be able to begin meeting again in a limited capacity at Jersey Baptist Church on Vauxhall Street for Sunday services from 21st June 2020.

We will be running two morning services at church as well as continuing Jersey Baptist Church Live. The details of our Sunday provision are: 
9-10 am Family Service
Adults Gathering in the Main Church Building (max 40 ppl)Children Gathering for Children’s Church in the Church Hall
(max 40 ppl).
(Children’s Church can be accessed live via zoom for those who choose to stay at home.) 

10:30-11:30 am
Modern Adult Service
Adults Gathering in Main Church Building (max 40 ppl)No Children’s Provision in this Service 

Jersey Baptist Church Live
The 10:30 Modern Adult Service will be livestreamed and is available on Facebook and at 

While our gathering will be different to usual as there will be no live singing for the time being, there will be time for prayer, interviews, inspiring videos, reflective songs which will be played from pre-recorded videos, and  a talk from the Bible. At the end of our Modern Adult Service there will be a time for Q & A and a bit more time to catch up with one another.

The maximum number of people permitted to meet for each gathering is 40, however as the children will be meeting in the church hall as a separate gathering, the maximum we can accommodate for the 9:00 am service, including children, is 80. 

To enable us to monitor numbers we should be grateful if you would indicate your intention to attend either service by using the sign up facility.

Only one person per household to sign up their whole group please.

For those who are unable or do not yet feel comfortable coming back to church, please note that we will be continuing to livestream the 10:30am service online. 

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Dear Friends,

The development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been covering news headlines recently and understandably raising general concern. What will its impact be on church? What can we do in our church to prevent its spread?

At Jersey Baptist Church, we are committed to following the official advice of the Government of Jersey and we are continuously monitoring the situation through updates given at: 

Based on the latest advice, Jersey Baptist Church is recommending the following steps:

  • We will be open for Sunday Church Meetings (Other midweek meetings are “under review”)
  • We will practice good hygiene
  • We will encourage social distancing
  • We will require self-isolation for those who are unwell

Practice Good Hygiene

We are following public health advice which recommends general good hygiene (things we should already be doing!) to help prevent the spread of the virus. This includes:

  • When coughing or sneezing, covering your nose and mouth with a tissue sneezing/coughing into your elbow
  • Immediately throwing used tissues into the bin;
  • Frequently washing your hands with hot water and soap for at least 20 seconds, or using hand sanitiser if water and soap is not available;
  • Avoiding close contact with others (IE. practising social distancing);
  • When entering church, please use hand sanitiser which will be located at all entrances.

Face masks play an important role in places like hospitals, but there’s little evidence of much benefit for members of the public. There is no reason to stay away from large gatherings of people unless you’ve been specifically advised to by public health officials or a medical professional.

Encourage Social Distancing

The latest advice from the Government of Jersey is that anyone who is either immune compromised or over the age of 65 to carefully consider staying home and at the very least practice social distancing.

To understand the difference between social distancing and self- isolation see the fact sheet produced by the Government of Jersey:

At church we will facilitate social distancing by:

  • Reserving the side wheelchair entrance for those who are immune compromised or over 65. (there will not be welcomers on these doors, not because we don’t care about you, but because we want to create space).
  • We are also reserving the ground floor seating in both the left and right wings of church for social distancing seating (seating will be spaced out so that those seating in these areas will be one metre (3 seats) apart from one another. Couples and members of the same family may sit together)
  • We will also reserve the right wing of the balcony for social distancing seating. If you are able-bodied and not in an at-risk category, but would like social distancing seating, please choose this area.
  • Finally, this will be hard, but we ask that everyone refrain from personal contact with each other (hand shaking, hugging, etc.). This is not a fearful and panicked response, but one born out of love for our church family.
  • We not be participating in the Lord’s Supper tomorrow as this involves passing plates and cups.
  • We will take up an offering, but will do so by having giving points at the entrances of church and not through passing the giving bags.
  • We will not be serving teas and coffees after the service (this one will be difficult for us coffee lovers)
  • Those who are over 65 or immune compromised are being asked not to lead children’s groups because of the potential for contact which is a given in children’s groups

Again, these measures are not a fearful and panicked response, but are cautious ones based in current advice and born out of love for our church family. 

Require Self-Isolation for Those Who are Unwell

We are asking that anyone with flu-like symptoms, including a combination of a fever, a cough, muscle aches and headaches should self-isolate until they are symptom free (for a minimum of seven days). This applies whether they have travelled outside Jersey or not, and is irrespective of contact with a Covid-19 case.

For those in these categories,

Please, if you are sick in any way (coughing, sneezing, running a fever, or just not feeling well) for your safety and the safety of those in the congregation DO NOT come to the church building.

It’s easy to forget at such times that we have a God who is fully in control and perfectly loving, who hears our prayers and responds to them. We should then comfort ourselves with this knowledge and pray that God would keep us safe, that he would help those at the front line of treating the virus, and for it to be gone! If you or your family need anything in the days to come, please do not hesitate to ask for assistance.

In Christ with Love,

Drew Waller

Rev Drew Waller |

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Welcome to Jersey Baptist Church! We are a growing and diverse church family sharing life and learning from the Bible how to grow in Faith, Hope and Love.

On this website you will be able to find out a bit more about us and also what we have in store for the year ahead.

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